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“Our reasoning is quite simple; if we ourselves do not apply the views we wish to spread, we are imposing them on others.”


Even the best ideas have unspectacular, useless and chaotic beginnings. We want to make a platform dedicated to the beginnings of ideas and their journey to adulthood – for the sake of both the reader and the writer. Imagine great ideas, and which paths or routes they might have taken – every crossroad they met on their journey to greatness. What could have become of an idea, had it followed a different road – and which crossroads along the way were significant? A thought we find even more exciting, are the notion of failed or unfruitful ideas – and how they might have gone wrong on their journey. In an age of superficiality, it can be hard to peel through the surface of most anything. Institutions like governments, schools or companies are only visible from the surface. The public can only see and excess what they are presented. Even ideas and thoughts are compressed into presentable products – in the form of rapports or summarizes. We’re missing a transparency in the process of, and the making of these products. What sort of arguments, unfulfilled and compromised thoughts went into making the finished product.


<<The purpose of this webpage is to share our ideas –  and elaborately portray the journey every step of the way>>.


Each week or even every day our ideas and thoughts met crossroads, where we – to the best of our ability – try to push them forward on a new and uncharted path. In sharing this journey, we hope to inspire other thinkers – to pursue our thoughts or their own, down a different road. Widening the scope and potential of every idea and endeavour. To us, this is

«Open Source Thinking».

Our project revolves around philosophy and critical thinking – and how to increase its appliance in education here in Catalonia. The nature of our project is the main basis for this webpage project – which in turn is a critical review and reflection of our own work. Our reasoning is quite simple; if we ourselves do not apply the views we wish to spread, we are imposing them on others. If we are to inspire the development and use of critical thinking and philosophy in education, we must ourselves – also apply it in our own process. Philosophy and Critical thinking are more like a worldview than a method or theory – it is more closely described as a way of life. Traditionally practised not as a means to an end, but as an end in itself. The nature of critical thought and philosophy – being something different than a method or a theory – inspired us to come up with our concept of «Open Source Thinking», which we’ve named “A Critical Mess”.

Furthermore, this platform shall serve as way for us to rapidly prototype and test out our ideas.


 By sharing our ideas with the world and our community –however unfinished or flawed they may be–    we hope to get a rapid response that can affect us in our decision making and thinking.


In the coming months, we shall post a lot of material - some of it will be more coherent and some of it will be more personal and process focused. A lot of our work will have a philosophical essayistic nature and some more like a stream of consciousness. If anything of what we’re working on is interesting to you – on a personal or professional level – please feel free to contact us for any reason what so ever.

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